Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Mid term stress.

I have such a lot to get done this week and next week.

I have a paper for African American Poetry and another one for Arthurian Romance, alongside another paper for after spring break which I really want to get done before-hand seeing as I’m going away for the majority of the week…

Since being here I’ve tried not to get too stressed out, as you can tell from the chirpyness of my posts! I want to travel around, and get the full experience, and I don’t want this to be a moaning fest because I’m having a great time, and hey, who wants to read unnecessary complaining?! But I’m bad when it comes to stressing, and at home I let it hinder me from doing things too much, as people close to me often find. I actually just roll up into a bit of a ball of stress until I have finished, something which I have tormented my parents with since school!!

Luckily they’re incredibly understanding when it comes to it. My sleeping patterns also wander off as I’m very much a late night worker. If I don’t get stuff done in the day I just stay up as late as it takes to get it done, something which isn’t helped by the fact my brain and concentration only seem to sync up when it gets to about 11pm. Consequently, I’m a terrible morning person, and with 3x 9am starts I have to watch myself here. I sleep more deeply than anyone I’ve ever met, and even with 5 alarms (2-3 normal ones, phone, radio, a teasmade –look it up they’re AMAZING— and my friend even bought me this ingenious one which propels a mini propeller across the room to a horrendous siren which is only conquered by running to find the whizzing thing and putting it back…and supposedly waking you up...), when these combined don’t wake you up, you know there’s a slight problem.

I actually did find my perfect alarm clock. Unfortunately she came in the form of my best friend in my first year of uni, who was usefully my neighbour.

Unfortunately she has a course to do too, so couldn’t come with me just to do the same in Granville. Sigh.

Anyway, although we have more work here I do like that it keeps me in the swing of writing, as I think a lot of people at Kings find it difficult to write essays once every 3 or 6 months, and have these counting towards half or 100% of one module. I know I get out of practise so easily.

But, it means writing a lot of stuff which isn’t actually worth very much at all. My first paper on a poem was worth only 3.3% which is quite disheartening when you spend the time and even more so when you do well ….

C’est la vie.

At least I get to amuse myself by adding in the extra “z’s” along the way………


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