Sunday, 9 January 2011

$8 on a meal -- never again!!

So, I'm currently sat in a Starbucks in NC!!

It's amazing, we've done so much already and I'm still getting over the jet-lag -- my body falls asleep at a pathetic 4pm hehe.

I got picked up from the a.p. by the UNC e.a.s.e. guy (thy help all the internationals get settled in etc.) and he took us out for a meal with his friends which was nice of him! They were all SUCH typical American guys from what I imagined, all into their football and talking about Sarah Palin and the gym.. Just like english 'lads'-turned-American. He took us to a Mediterranean place where we got a buffet, I ordered 4 different things and they put it on the plate for you. It was, no joke, nearly the size of my HEAD. Deary me. I could have been full on the $3 meal! and I got a grapefruit juice thingy which was so good, but again it was in practically a chalice!

And I've never spent time with so many auzzies in my life. The guy who got picked up from the airport with me is from Australia and he turned out to be on my floor so we're spending most of the time together. Seriously I feel as though I'm in an episode of neighbours half the time. It's amazing.

The first night we didn't have any of our welcome packs, so we had to sleep on our bare mattresses and I ended up drying myself with a t-shirt as I had no towel. We also didn't have internet or phones and neither Nick or I had written down where orientation was yesterday so we set off 2 hours before and went to try find a library or something! The first one was shut, but we found a map and outside the 2nd one was this guy who, SO flukily turned out to be the vice-president of E.A.S.E. ! He saved our lives. It was the best coincidence ever, we were so happy. And Americans are even more friendly than I remembered. They're actually awesome. One thing that made me laugh in orientation. The lady was telling us all the places that are good to visit, ('heaps' of them it seems!) and she was like.. 'Ah, Carrboro is a really artsy place to go, it has a CO-OP.'
Hehe. I actually laughed when she said that and I was sat in the front row... I doubt that the coop is the same thing here as at home but the thought of our little supermarket being called 'artsy' was so weird. We have one right buy our house in London and the people there are actually a bit weird about it! They once threatened to report us to it for making too much noise. Again, we had to stifle laughs.

Anyway, we're going to target soon, its basically the walmart here. Need a few bits and bobs so that'll be useful! Classes start tomorrow I'm rather excited but also a bit scared, they sound so hard core!!

Will be back as soon as I have internet again!

Much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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