Saturday 1 January 2011

I've been told that you are from the UK and that is so AWESOME!!!

So your from the UK... that's AWESOME.

I really am going to have to keep this 'British' thing up, eh.
eek. I've been assigned a mentor for my course (hence the above quote), and have been e-mailing my new room mate too, things are getting closer and SO exciting.

Also rather sad. Spending time with friends for New Years made me realise how much I'll miss the UK, and knowing so many people! Until uni I never realised how much change there is in life. School was just one massive expanse of comfortable time, where a few people came and went but most things stay the same. I know some people have really crazy times at school, my housemate lived in about 100 different countries before uni so I suppose ironically change isn't too different for her. But I didn't expect uni to be so much change, all the time. My friend Ashton and I always complain that 'no-one told us life was gonna be this way', though I think London plays a big part in that. Last year a LOT of my close friends left because they were international students only here for a year or on masters programmes or something, and I wasn't surprised to see UCL's student population is 26 % international, KCL 16% and SOAS a whopping 30%. Anyway, now its me doing the changing..

My flat mate just e-mailed me, she seems lovely and the cultural differences are making me giggle already. I wrote "faff" in a reply to her and she was like, what's a faff?? I do have some traits which are not strictly representative of England though, more of ... well, me. We did a French-exchange during A-Levels and whilst some went home with English swear words stuck in their heads mine went home saying "oh my gollaaay". My friends were desperately trying to tell them it isn't that normal to say that over here, but they didn't seem too bothered.

AH. less than a week to go until fly-day!!

Happy New Year!! 



  1. Well, welcome to North Carolina. I have been here a year with my family - we hail from hardy Northern Michigan. I have an 18 year old son finishing his senior year of high school at UNC School of the Arts in Winston Salem. Which UNC are you attending - Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Asheville (amazingly lovely place in the mountains, Winston Salem... I think there are others). We like it here.. my son has a blog as well. My son, William has a poetry blog he is on at times - I think it is called Songs for a New Millennium. You can find it on my side bar.

  2. Haha thanks for following my art blog. :)
    I really appreciate it!
    Your life sounds so exciting!! Good luck!

  3. Margaret: Thankyou!! And thankyou for being my first follower. I am going to be at UNC Chapel Hill, not Salem which is a shame! I hope to do some travelling around the state though so may have a look if its so pretty in the mountains and worth a visit. I hear Carolina's great for walking etc?
    I'll look up the poetry blog too it sounds interesting.

    totorolove - your welcome! and thankyouu. I was intrigued by your picture and your art is amazing!

